About Us

Logical Merchandising and Distribution Inc. was established in 2004. We are passionate about harnessing the power of incentives to drive engagement and achievement. As a leading player in the premium incentive industry, we partner with organizations of all sizes to design and execute reward programs that motivate desired behaviors and celebrate success.

We believe that meaningful recognition is key to unlocking potential. Our team of incentive experts collaborates closely with you to understand your unique goals and target audience. We then leverage our extensive experience and industry knowledge to curate a diverse selection of premium rewards that resonate with your recipients.

Our comprehensive services include:

Your reward selection, our logistical expertise: We meticulously maintain accurate inventory records, guaranteeing the availability of chosen rewards and ensuring timely restocking to meet program demands. Quality control measures are implemented to guarantee every item reaches its recipient in impeccable condition.

  • Strategic program design: We work with you to define your program objectives, identify key performance indicators (KPIs), and select the most effective incentive type.
  • Reward selection: We offer a curated collection of high-quality premiums, ranging from tangible merchandise to experiential opportunities, to ensure a perfect fit for your program and budget.
  • Fulfillment and logistics: We handle all aspects of program execution, from secure ordering and inventory management to efficient and personalized delivery.
  • Data analysis and reporting: We provide actionable insights to track program performance and measure the impact of your incentive strategy.

By partnering with us, you gain access to:

  • Proven expertise: We have a successful track record of helping businesses achieve their goals through effective incentive programs.
  • Unparalleled selection: We offer a diverse range of premium rewards to cater to every taste and preference.
  • Seamless program execution: We take care of the details, allowing you to focus on your core business.
  • Data-driven insights: We provide valuable data to help you refine and improve your incentive strategy over time.

What Can We Do For You?

Find out how we can help you achieve your goals, together.

Let’s Talk